International slots and what they may be worth as trade assets.


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Apr 16, 2013
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San Diego
So what you are telling me is that the Cubs because they are supposedly going to stay cheap are not going to spend any money like they would have done for Tanaka? Not spend any of the Soriano money that is going to be off the books? And not going to spend any of the money that they would have paid Hammel, Shark, Villanueva, Schierholtz, Barney, and Veras?

They are going to roll with Baez, Bryant, Kalish, Cog, Lake and others and try to win with that?

They will boo this whole FO and ownership right out of Chicago. I mean, if we haven't seen the bottom yet, then you better switch teams because it ain't going to ever happen.

They have said all along that when they need it, the money will be there. I am pretty sure they need it now, and I will not root for a team who blatently lies about things like that. You aren't going to piss down my back and say it's raining.

In fact, I will put in writing right now that if the Cubs go with the line-up that you suggested, or anywhere in the general vicinity of a 35 million dollar payroll, I WILL NO LONGER BE A CUBS FAN..............PERIOD! :tongue:

I'm under the opinion that they will not over pay case by case. If a player comes up for F/A most likely he will be traded.

Theo said in a perfect world all players would be attained via the farm or using the farm for a trade vs signing a F/A. The world is not perfect though.

What they have shown is F/A has been used but at low cost in general. Jackson has been the only exception and it bit them on the ass.
