7 Days to Die


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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Since myself and others are getting addicted.... let's discuss our 7D2D plays here.

I am on day 54 of my current game.

I found the house type I like on a small island off a mainland coast.

I have fortified it with concrete/steel walls and heavy steel doors in the main building.

I also built 2-3 deep concrete walls 5-10 blocks high around my perimeter with blade traps around 90% of the walls and im digging a trench around the outside of my perimeter walls maybe 3-5 blocks from the walls and im filling it with spike traps.

I failed to get some key resources early on and Aussie was alluding to him doing the same, so ill throw out some notes:

- Wrench is sweet... you can deconstruct almost anything for resources, but ill list keys ones:
1. Air conditioners, Fridges, Cash registers, and anything at a power/radio station will yield mechanical parts, electronic parts, and electronic components
2. Cars.... 3 stages and each stage can be deconstructed... full sedan, damaged, and destroyed. If you need engines... look for full sedans and deconstruct them.... end of stage 1 you get a chance for a drop and most likely chance for engine/car battery.... end of stage 2 more likely to get car battery but I think possible for engine drops.... destroyed stage (stage 3) you usually get no chance drops, but you get plenty of iron and mechanical parts, so if you just need mechanical parts a destroyed car is great. You will need small engines for a variety of later game things and car batteries are good to stash and use in battery banks.
3. TVs on the walls of places yield nice electronic drops as well....

- I discarded alot of stuff I should have stock piled as I found it.... just about every item you find is useful
1. Rotting flesh.... useless right? Nah you make farming fertilizer out of it later.
2. Stone/Sand.... stockpile.... you need lots of it for making concrete.... smelt stone on your forge(s) anytime you're not smelting other items.
3. Car radiators are chance drops on deconstructing cars.... they smelt down in the forge for plentiful brass supply.... other than car radiators and chance brass item drops, brass is hard to come by.... stockpile it.... you need it and lead to make bullets later.
4. Might not be obvious early.... Duke's casino tokens are the game currency at trading posts.... old cash is useless other than turning it into paper and I have yet to find a use for paper other than burning, but I am still stockpiling it because im paranoid ill need it.
5. Scrap plastic.... need plenty of it later in the game... if you find it, stockpile it.
6. Gun parts.... shotgun and SMG.... i kept selling them.... you need 3 parts of SMG/Shotgun to make Auto or Shotgun turrets.
7. Books.... once you learn a skill you don't need the book, right? Wrong... you can sell the books at the trader for nice returns.

- Minibike is invaluable.... you need to scavenge an engine/battery, but all the other parts you can build at your forge/workbench. The basket you can add to it for storage is also invaluable... all you need to do to get one is find a store with a shopping basket on the ground and deconstruct it with your Wrench.... Special person that you can't pick it up, but there you have it.

- One last tip.... make sure you're not sitting around at night... I personally dig a mine under my base and mine resources and/or dig escape tunnels. Also, use night time to examine and spend your skill points.


just went through 56 day horde.. i need to stop playing.. aint being productive irl.

56 was better.. the initial wave was good but then its like they just up and quit... clean up of dead zombies took awhile.. i had about three loads of gear from them.. they actually attacked the weakest area of me wall..idk if by smart ai design or just by chance.. they hadnt attacked that way before.... the spikes arent as thick over there due to a hill and leaving me a path to walk through. i will have to dig some hill out for sure....however those that made it through those spikes JUMP crawled to the top of the wall and fell to their death on spikes waiting on the other side. only two guys made it to the gas station and its spikes .. those fat tank guys who take a beating.

my wall isnt has high as yours and it was made with early logs ive upgraded with iron.. it goes 3 layers spikes.. 1 layer of a log spike.. one layer of one log with a log spike on top followed by a 3 log layer with nothing on top.. then more spikes on the other side. id go higher but i like to shoot their heads with me crossbow.. plus i like walking on the 3 log wall so i dont put anything on it.. it also i lets me get a sprinting run to clear the spikes.. because the only way out is to jump out and the only quick way in is to sprint jump from a rock which barely clears you from the spikes inside.. you could use frames if you dont feel like jumping.. but that takes to much time to add them then pick them up.

i have concrete production going all day but i haven't decided what to do with it.. the bike is useful for sure.. i think they do spawn inside your walls from time to time.. ive noticed a screaming chick inside a few mornings.. spawns are crazy though.. thats how im finding death now.. ive had two packs of wolves dropped on me.. the game and their wolves hate me.. they dropped a pack of dogs on me too.. luckily i was working on my spike line and jumped in.. they followed.. while i was seriously fucked up.. i lived.. they died..

speaking of production.. i got 6 furnaces running and smelting/ producing non stop.. and 2 cement mixers non stop.. one making fertilizer, which takes forever and the other makes concrete.. will see how the fert works shortly.. im just making a pile first... id make more mixers but im trying to save engines for a generator.. .... i have enough batteries for a battery bank one..so im just about to get into the electricity and really exploring the map since i feel my base is good to go for awhile and i have tons of stock pile..

paper was for bullets for the blunderbuss i think.. i didnt use one. im saving the majority of me ammo and guns for later game.. i sold dollars to the trader at one point though i horde them now.. i think i got good coinage from it.. i dont remember though.. i rarely go to the trader so im not worried about selling shat unless i have diamonds, gold or silver nuggets..

i find hunting at 4-5 am and 16-2000 nets me the best results.. while i see wildlife out at other times.. these times seem prime..i got meat coming out me arse..

yucca fruit is a great early food wen you have stamina issues.. sprint and eat those at the same time.. keeps you going as long as your hungry.. 4 of them make a great drink as well..will also lower body temp if needed... ive noticed two different desert types..

one is like death valley.. hot as fuck.. full of canyons.. it has tons of yucca thats easy to get without much work and aloe.. the other desert type has yucca but not as abundant nor is it as hot there it seems..

idk.. plant trees.. the immediate area around me base is clear so i can see them coming and start crossbow sniping from me tower..... but starting about 2-3 hundred yards i planted a circular forest surrounding my position.. i generally replant after i cut down trees now.. it was getting thin when i got lazy and waited to replant..but now ive planted so many trees theres always tons of 1200 level trees ready to go each day.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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Aussie.... you know when you start or resume a game you can change the settings on it.... amp up how many zombies per player spawn for blood moon horde.... up the difficulty so they are hard to kill, etc.

I started upping my blood moon hordes as I similarly found I was defeating them a bit too easily.


Three if by air
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Jun 25, 2010
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How different is this from Rust? I played Rust for a few days, it was good and addicting, just not able to commit that much time to any game.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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How different is this from Rust? I played Rust for a few days, it was good and addicting, just not able to commit that much time to any game.

Never played Rust.... ill look it up and see what I can compare.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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So it sounds like Rust was initially the same concept as 7D2D... it began as an offshoot of Arma 2's DayZ mod.

They wanted to make it an open world zombie apocalypse survival game with similar crafting and such as 7D2D.

But they eventually veered away from the zombie apocalypse concept apparently:

The development for Rust began as a clone of DayZ, a popular mod for ARMA 2, as well as featuring elements of Minecraft.[14] Garry Newman, the CEO of Facepunch Studios, said "Rust started off as a DayZ clone. But then we decided that we are sick of fighting zombies. And can't compete with the Arma island in terms of landmarks and towns".[15] Following its initial alpha launch, updates for Rust were released, adding mechanics such as animals, hunting, armor and weapons. In February 2014, zombies were removed from Rust and replaced with black bears and wolves.[16] Early on in the development, the choice was made not to try to populate the world with interesting locations to explore, but rather give the players the ability to create such places. Newman described it as "we give them the tools, they make the world".[17]

Similar concept, but no longer the same environment as 7D2D.

EDIT: Also Rust seems to be multiplayer only where 7D2D is singleplayer or multiplayer.... 7D2D is intended to be fun whether you wanna play as a solo survivalist or a group on your own server or play multiplayer with lots of people on a server competing against eachother and/or the zombies.


Three if by air
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Jun 25, 2010
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Ah cool, learn something useless everyday :) . I didn't know if you were into these kind of games, just wondering.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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Ah cool, learn something useless everyday :) . I didn't know if you were into these kind of games, just wondering.

I've always been a zombie junkie.... but this open-world survival/crafting type game is new to me.

Loving it tho.... I think they have developed a very good model for their game with 7D2D.... if it is this much fun unpolished in Alpha....


never played rust either.. im not really a multiplayer fan unless its fps/sports.

7d2d seems to be the minecraft i wanted...well almost. the time i put in to minecraft back in the day is pretty embarrassing.... 7d2d is on that pace. while the game isnt perfect its enjoyable enough so far. i wish there were more to the story.. better building/crafting options... more character models in each zone...being in the forest biome most of the time and seeing those same zombies gets very old...... etc etc.. i havent explored the world enough to know what else the game holds... i have found some diamonds/gold/silver in treasure chests so im sure there are mines around..

i do know the inventory system bothers me.. yeah you can carry stacks and stacks of 6000 woods but 30 different lil knick knacks be too much or whatever the limit is.

i wouldnt say im a huge fan a survival/crafting but ive put in a lot of hours with minecraft, terraria and now 7d2d.

may look into settings before loading me game..


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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never played rust either.. im not really a multiplayer fan unless its fps/sports.

7d2d seems to be the minecraft i wanted...well almost. the time i put in to minecraft back in the day is pretty embarrassing.... 7d2d is on that pace. while the game isnt perfect its enjoyable enough so far. i wish there were more to the story.. better building/crafting options... more character models in each zone...being in the forest biome most of the time and seeing those same zombies gets very old...... etc etc.. i havent explored the world enough to know what else the game holds... i have found some diamonds/gold/silver in treasure chests so im sure there are mines around..

i do know the inventory system bothers me.. yeah you can carry stacks and stacks of 6000 woods but 30 different lil knick knacks be too much or whatever the limit is.

i wouldnt say im a huge fan a survival/crafting but ive put in a lot of hours with minecraft, terraria and now 7d2d.

may look into settings before loading me game..

7D2D has it's flaws.... no doubt.

Once you have a mini-bike.... or if you already have one.... just start exploring far and wide.

I find it fun and I am just trying to find as many cars and places with equipment I can deconstruct so I can gather enough resources to keep making my base better and better.

At some point I will probably stop and start a new random gen game that is on harder settings.

Wandering hordes are fun.... lol I was out exploring.... found a gated parking lot.... parked my mini bike and broke open 2 gate sections so I could jump in.... start wrenching on a car.... 30 seconds later 2 zombies come wandering over.... w/e just a couple sleepers.... shoot and miss.... shit start backtracking to the gate, get some space..... um fuck there are 20 zombies on the street outside the gate.... 2 more sleepers waking up.... ok.... pop, pop.... take down 2 sleepers so I can move to their corner .... horde is breaking down the gate.... ok car on the far end should let me jump to the top of the fence.... run to the car jump and get to the top of the fence... shit the horde wandered thru this way.... ok I can jump them and get out into the open.... jump down.... barking.... FUCK ZOMBIE DOGS..... run run run run.... 4-5 still near my bike but screw it.... run to the bike, hope on.... gun it....

At any time out scavenging you can have one of these life or death experiences lol

Oh btw.... I saw you talk about screamer zombies.

The game has a heat map system.... anything you do adds heat... "game heat" not literal heat.

Cut down a tree, heat..... run a forge, heat.... run a cement mixer, heat.... kill a zombie, heat.... wrench a car, heat.

The more heat you have in a localized area, the larger chance a screamer spawns and when she screams she spawns a horde and more horde till you pop her.

Heat map can also cause random horde spawns or draw wandering hordes to you.... I had a 40 zombie horde of soldiers and hazmat suit zombies come thru one day.... was awesome.... guns, ammo, hazmat gear, gun parts.

Heat map can be a blessing and a curse.


i havent explored much..i just keep sitting at me base for the most part.. now im rebuilding the gas station with reinforced concrete while i build a concrete shaft into the earth. the only time i leave my area is to go get sand. i started rebuilding because i have way too much concrete n i wont stop producing it.

i finally tried the fertilizer.. its good. when tilling the earth with the hoe your crops multiple.. potatoes 1 to 2.. corn 1 to 3.. mushroom 2 to 3.. when adding fertilizer that yield jumps.. potato goes from 2 to 4.. corn 3 to 5.. havent done shrooms with fert yet.. gonna add a shroom section underground.. from a 110 block section on the roof my last harvest was 123 potatoes and 140 corn.. the corners of my beds dont seem to get fert for osme reason.. also the fert is placed down every other space and lasts forever. guess one could go vegetarian if need be..

went through the 63 day horde.. had about 5-6 of those acid throwing zombies.. i didnt know they blow up. one got near the fence and took out a log during the explosion.. but the attack had no chance to begin with.. other than that guy no one really made it to the fence.. i added an absurd number of spikes around the perimeter.. i didnt even have to shoot zombies.. other than those acid zombies i didn't waste any ammo. i have 1000s of spikes around.. its almost unfair.. but i have wood out da ying yang and i use it..

second horde in a row they spawned dogs on me during zombie clean up the next morning..

well that area is hot as fuck.. i get screamers daily.. only twice have they spawned inside the walls but normally they are outside.. i get those wandering hordes daily too...
and always wolves when i venture from my base any great distance. i have to park my bike next to me now when sourcing rocks. . cause wolves will drop on me.. so i just jump on me bike n go..


day 70 horde done.. it was meh but tougher characters showed up. some glowing zombies that take massive punishment. i think they are called infected, because i triggered a perk award for a jake mission i had accepted..... i wasted nearly 200 9mm rounds bringing 5-6 down wile they were casually walking through me spikes... along with 2-3 of those acid zombies that blow up.

it doesnt help that my handgun level is only at 5. maybe i should improve that and that other handgun perk. i would have used the sniper rifle but its a crappy one.. rated an 80.. my crossbow does more damage than it. i have a rocket launcher but i cant make ammo for it yet so i didnt use any of the 4 rounds i have. i had a hunting rifle but it was in a chest down from the tower and i didnt feel like getting it.

while no zombie made it to the actual building, i see a potential issue in me design if these infected zombies come in mass at one point on several sides instead of spread across the line on one side for the most part... i think a smaller base for horde night would be better. my compound may be too big for a solo game if they start attacking from multiple sides with those infected in bulk..

with a smaller base i could centralize all my goodies like mines and those blades. and condense me spike line... my lines are too big as is.. but they work.. shit looks like a WW2 tank spike line X 4.. i literally have 4-5k spikes out there.. i guess i could put those good defense items in and around the actual gas station. idk

instead of dropping dogs on me zombie during clean up the following morning, they spawned a wandering horde. maybe its because they dropped zombie dogs on me around 1700 the night of the horde while i was double checking me line..

i see what you mean about mining for resources now. i assumed there would be some vains, but i didnt realize how big they would be.. i collected nearly 20k iron ore from one and the vain is still going. i got bored collecting the shit and kept digging.. hit another vain. all my furnaces are maxed with iron atm and i have 20-30k of ore in storage.
looking for gold, diamond, silver vains may be in me future goals.. that and building a smaller horde night base.

made an underground pool to hold water.. this game is buggy with that.. had issues filling a 20 block pool with 20 buckets of water... got me underground shroom farm going.. i wasted the test run because i noticed you could place mushroom spores on the wall.. but i layed sod and fert down there and will see how they produce eventually

good luck starting over ares.. no way i could make meself go through that initial grind again. while i would progress faster and be more efficient with shit, i just cant do it again... im actual at that point where i need a break from the game.. ive put in 94 hrs in a week mane.. thats some sickening autistic lvl shit mane.. im not sure how many hrs were in those first 3 game compared to this 4th game ive been running with.. regardless, i needz to get back to real life..


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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day 70 horde done.. it was meh but tougher characters showed up. some glowing zombies that take massive punishment. i think they are called infected, because i triggered a perk award for a jake mission i had accepted..... i wasted nearly 200 9mm rounds bringing 5-6 down wile they were casually walking through me spikes... along with 2-3 of those acid zombies that blow up.

it doesnt help that my handgun level is only at 5. maybe i should improve that and that other handgun perk. i would have used the sniper rifle but its a crappy one.. rated an 80.. my crossbow does more damage than it. i have a rocket launcher but i cant make ammo for it yet so i didnt use any of the 4 rounds i have. i had a hunting rifle but it was in a chest down from the tower and i didnt feel like getting it.

while no zombie make it to the actual building, i see a potential issue in me design if these infected zombies come in mass at one point on several sides instead of spread across the line on one side for the most part... i think a smaller base for horde night would be better. it just may be too big for a solo game if they start attack from multiple sides with those infected in bulk..

with a smaller base i could centralize all my goodies like mines and those blades. and condense me spike line... my lines are too big as is.. but they work.. shit looks like a WW2 tank spike line X 4.. i literally have 4-5k spikes out there.. i guess i could put those good defense items in and around the actual gas station. idk

instead of dropping dogs on me zombie during clean up the following morning, they spawned a wandering horde. maybe its because they dropped zombie dogs on me around 1700 the night of the horde while i was double checking me line..

i see what you mean about mining for resources now. i assumed there would be some vains, but i didnt realize how big they would be.. i collected nearly 20k iron ore from one and the vain is still going. i got bored collecting the shit and kept digging.. hit another vain. all my forces are maxed with iron atm and i have 20-30k of ore in storage.
looking for gold, diamond, silver vains may be in me future goals.. that and building a base.

made an underground pool to hold water.. this game is buggy with that.. had issues filling a 20 block pool with 20 buckets of water... got me underground shroom farm going.. i wasted the test run because i noticed you could place mushroom spores on the wall.. but i layed sod and fert down there and will see how they produce eventually

good luck starting over ares.. no way i could make meself go through that initial grind again. while i would progress faster and be more efficient with shit, i just cant do it again... im actual at that point where i need a break from the game.. ive put in 94 hrs in a week mane.. thats some sickening autistic lvl shit mane.. im not sure how many hrs were in those first 3 game compared to this 4th game ive been running with.. regardless, i needz to get back to real life..

Lol I feel like I've gotten you addicted to something supremely unhealthy.

Do you ever walk around your house or out in public anywhere and see stuff and go "I bet I could get electronics/mechanical parts if I wrenched dat thing"

I just did my day 56 horde.... was fun.... a shitload of them spawned inside my outer walls so I had to fallback to my main building/tower.

I'm in a similar boat as you describe.... I have this big perimeter and I struggle to traverse it and defend it, though I have lots of automated blade traps that run off motion sensors.

I need to improve my entire perimeter wall and make it unclimable for the zombies/spider zombies, while also improving the top so I can walk/run it without worrying about falling off.

Eventually I want to have automated turrets built into the wall around the entire perimeter and blade traps on both sides of the wall so even if they spawn inside they will get fucking rekt...

I might do a concrete wall around my main building and turn it into like a keep.

I dug a 1 block wide, 3 block deep moat around my outer perimeter and lined it with spike traps.... downside here if often the zombies fall in and their legs go but they don't die so they are just stuck in the trench setting off motion sensors, wasting my generators.

Though power/gas is no issue.... I have so much fucking gas I could run these generators for like 200 more game days.

Wrenching on cars gives way too much gas IMO.


you only handed me da joint, i decided to take a toke. i had the addition from da minecraft.. its been years since i put in hundreds and hundreds of hours into that game.. so its refreshing to play a similar game after such a long break. i cant bring myself to ever go back to minecraft. it held me due to the creative aspect but combat n the bit graphics sucked.

only played 7d2d for an hour today and i think thats it..going to normal game hours......i just scouted out locations near me base so i can make a horde day base. it wont take long to build a structure.. i already have 20k block rebar and 20-30k of cement just sitting there ready to go....

i tried going to the nearby winter biome and what seems like the the tallest point on the map.. but most of the top of the mountain is snow and dirt and i would have to dig out a lot to reinforce it. goal is to build a small tower surrounded with pits and maybe a small wall to slow them in spikes..

i did just find out there are snowballs in the game.. managed to collect 6000 fairly easy shoveling. 1 snowball can make 1 jar or can of water in the campfire. i generally only refill water once every few weeks and started that under ground pool as reserves.. now i wont have to collect water forever. unless it melts and turns to something else in storage.. will find out..


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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you only handed me da joint, i decided to take a toke. i had the addition from da minecraft.. its been years since i put in hundreds and hundreds of hours into that game.. so its refreshing to play a similar game after such a long break. i cant bring myself to ever go back to minecraft. it held me due to the creative aspect but combat n the bit graphics sucked.

only played 7d2d for an hour today and i think thats it..going to normal game hours......i just scouted out locations near me base so i can make a horde day base. it wont take long to build a structure.. i already have 20k block rebar and 20-30k of cement just sitting there ready to go....

i tried going to the nearby winter biome and what seems like the the tallest point on the map.. but most of the top of the mountain is snow and dirt and i would have to dig out a lot to reinforce it. goal is to build a small tower surrounded with pits and maybe a small wall to slow them in spikes..

i did just find out there are snowballs in the game.. managed to collect 6000 fairly easy shoveling. 1 snowball can make 1 jar or can of water in the campfire. i generally only refill water once every few weeks and started that under ground pool as reserves.. now i wont have to collect water forever. unless it melts and turns to something else in storage.. will find out..

It doesn't melt... lol snowballs are a more or less infinite source of water.

I dug like 6000 of them one time and have yet to refill.


I hate acronyms
Oct 17, 2010
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Greenville, NC
That’s what I meant when I asked about 7D2D. I remember now that I see the whole title.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


CCS Donator
May 15, 2010
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Are you guys playing this on a console or PC?


so me one hour turned into most of da day.. sunday hurr.. so normal game day.. had to get me horde base going and did day 77 horde in the process.. i was hoping to have me base near complete by 77 but it wasnt.. ill run with it at day 84 but it still wont be complete.. i need more blades.. one of the few resources i dont have much of is electrical parts and i need 12 more blades.. for me pit.. gonna place four blade per side on metal blocks so the zombies get cut as they fall into me metal spike pit below..

the build is a reinforced concrete behemoth.. its 14 blocks high atm but will get higher.. the tower is 10 x 10 thick. there is a center shaft. my main base mine runs to it at about 1/4 mile away.. idk if i ever connect but im leaving the option open.. i built it in a bowl basically so i didnt have to dig.. was being lazy.. so at 13 blocks high im not even level with the the surrounding hills.. almost though.. may take it up 13 more blocks.... outside surrounding the tower is a four wide pit x 4 block high at the point of entry.... may go another block higher.. surrounding that is layer a several layers of brick and upgraded cobblestone.. was gonna go out with more concrete but with exploding cops and mines.. i used other shit i was heavy on.. steps of spike and fields of spikes behind that.. may add a short wall just to slow them down a tad bit and hurt em in some mo spikes..

no bridge/doors in... the only way is a sprint jump across the metal spike pit on to a ledge and up a ladder into the first nest.. a protruding metal cage that wraps around the tower and lets me shoot out the bottom. u do have to close the cage with a block or something once inside..... those blades are 3x3 so if they make it to the upgrade metal walls of the bottom of the tower i can slaughter them with that extra clear space. the only way out is to build with frames off that ladder edge.. since its only being used one night a week i dont mind the process of getting back out

oh 77 horde was easy as.. only because i picked up a decent sniper rifle.. this pack of military zombie came up on me while building me new base and i mowed them down.. best zombie loots as a horde in the whole game so far. so with said rifle from that loot.... i picked off all the infected and those cops with ease. i think i used 15 bullets vs 200 and the 9mm handgun the week prior.. the horde night did start with 5-6 rushing cops.. but i pegged them all before they even hit me spike line. if all of them hit a line at once n blew up.. it could cause some pain for some ppl and their one layer of spikes.. or sumin..
