AMD GPU and upgrade question


Running multiple GPUs is a headache period... Unless you design the system from the get go.

The way I do it has always been with a PCIe riser(shielded or you're going to have random issues as well). And I never ... NEVER would use an OEM HP/Dell or whatever steel/plastic case for an SLI/XF build.

i thought about using a riser and keeping it out in the open but i have a clumsy kid. i dont even like keeping my pc case open for safety reasons.

the experience was worth it i think. I see pitfalls of xfire but i also see the benefits. However, like you said, planning from the get go would be well advised. If i ever build a new rig and want to xfire/sli in the future, i will take that into acct when designing said system.

so for now.. using one r7 until i figure out the plan. a 75w 1050 ti seems to be the next step, perhaps get a 6 pin model to OC the shit out of it.. idk. The lady im eventually doing a wordpress set up for, now wants two new wp sites.

the first one im suppose to start in a day or two is easy money.. its basically a brochure site with some ecomm ability. im only charging her 400 for that one.. just waiting on her to send me logos, images on the such.. so i guess a ti or 1060 when xmas deals start showing up soon..


well that r7 360 i bought is now resold.. i lost 5 dollars during this test due to shipping. i could have just charged 5 dollars more but eh.. i described it as a loud and hot running card and kept it cheap.

now im back to the same problem.. fucking amd needs a rx 565..


Three if by air
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Ethereum needs an ASIC to discourage people from mining with hardware that people need for computations required for demanding human consumption.


Ethereum needs an ASIC to discourage people from mining with hardware that people need for computations required for demanding human consumption.

something. maybe a crash would help...

470/570 in aus costs nearly as much as a 1060 6 gb... so if i want to stay with amd im going to have to pay. unless i just go with a minimal gain on the rx 560. i am interested in the 45w 4gb version. but at the same time, that model is roughly the same cost as a 1050ti. 2gb rx 560s and non 45w versions can be had for a lil cheaper.

if i planned on cfing in the future.. ill probably be able to get a second rx 560 dirt cheap in a year or so.. having two 45w cards sounds nice.. it wouldnt be in this rig though.. still looking towards a 1600x build one day when its required


guess it is time to move over to the nvidia fucks. im a little late to the news party but i read amd recently stopped support for the win 8.1 crowd. i get the user base is small, so i dont fault them from that perspective, but mane its still shitty considering ms will still be shelling updates for 8.1 til 2023..


Three if by air
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Just run Windows 10. Why put off the inevitable? Microsoft already slipped in the tracking features from vista to 10, so you're not seeing any benefit of the older OS.

And if it's that same Xeon system, you have the phone home 'Intel ME' unless you coreboot crack it, which is one of the more difficult things to do period.


Just run Windows 10. Why put off the inevitable? Microsoft already slipped in the tracking features from vista to 10, so you're not seeing any benefit of the older OS.

And if it's that same Xeon system, you have the phone home 'Intel ME' unless you coreboot crack it, which is one of the more difficult things to do period.

hp doesnt support win 10 on this rig. if it did, i would just put win 10 on it and benefit from dx12. some ppl have gotten win 10 to work on it, but it suffered issues with whatever newer win 10 updates they added it seems. its basically why ive designated this a future linux rig if it still alive and has a purpose after 2023.

if i could find a decent aftermarket mobo i could probably run win 10 but once you factor in the cost of just doesnt make sense. id rather just buy new more current tech if im dropping that much money. im just riding this machine out getting every penny worth of enjoyment til i cant or til its dead.

i dont know much about intel phoning home or how to neutralize it, but it sounds scary from a privacy perspective.


Three if by air
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I don't want to mess you up. But it doesn't matter if HP supports Win 10 or not. What chipsets are HP exclusive? Intel chipsets are supported by intel. Realtek by realtek, etc. And any gaps, microsoft has generic drivers that cover all bases with common components that use the same instructions. Windows 10 will run on that machine stable and production ready, that I am 100% sure of. What headaches you may encounter getting there are really up to your skill level within a windows system(not a put down on your ability, just that manufacturers do make things confusing and use non-standardized approaches as well).


I don't want to mess you up. But it doesn't matter if HP supports Win 10 or not. What chipsets are HP exclusive? Intel chipsets are supported by intel. Realtek by realtek, etc. And any gaps, microsoft has generic drivers that cover all bases with common components that use the same instructions. Windows 10 will run on that machine stable and production ready, that I am 100% sure of. What headaches you may encounter getting there are really up to your skill level within a windows system(not a put down on your ability, just that manufacturers do make things confusing and use non-standardized approaches as well).

well i still have til dec 31 to try for free going via the assistive tech route. once i finish this womans site in the next few days i may give it a go or i may try with the hp z200 first. ive seen some ppl say it works and others have issues with things. hopefully there arent a lot of headaches.. i really dont feel like spending a few days learning window specific shit.


so the 1060 3 gb is on sale again.. i could get a galax 3gb model for 240 aud w/ free shipping during dat 20% ebay deal i was waiting for. its normally 300 aud all day, so its a fair market deal....

buuut theres a problem, the scab and difficult arse in me is coming out -- i dont want to pull the trigger. i thought id compromise and settle for a cheaper 1050ti... but the cheapest 1050 ti on sale is 180 aud for one specific brand.. so that doesnt make sense.. at 150 aud id probably jump.. they basically marked all the 1050tis up during the 20% off sale. normal price is roughly the same as the 20% sale price.. cocks.....

after i resale my current r7 and factor in the 70 ive made back from the halo stuff already.. then add da 30 on trains today and 60 for the old r7....itll cost me 10 bucks of new money. it wont cost me a thang once i start selling mo halo crap...ive set aside all the best pieces and i dont want to come off them yet, but if i did, ez money....,,,,,,,,,, AND yet my ass still doesnt want to budge..

i gots issues.. part of me wants to ride the r7 360 into the ground with the old rig... maximize the value of what i had already paid for.. as of now this set up is roughly adding up to a dollar aud a day.. thats good value.. another yr and 50 cent a day and its money well spent imo..

my gpu will still hold its value some in aus anyway.. so i may lose 20 bucks in a year..i planned on selling it for 70, but 50 bucks in a years time still sounds fair here. idk mang.. first world problems.. the wife be like just get it.. i cant listen to no woman.. i guess its 900p the next yr on newer game titles if i dont buy da shit..


CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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Read thru this thread, what is the Op's system specs? Your only going to get a limited performance uptick if the system is CPU limited.

Trying to run SLI/Crossfire in a HP case? I would suggest this:

Ever consider water cooling?

Another thing to consider when deciding on what GPU to roll with, what monitor do you have and at what resolution do you game?

Your going to have to consider free sync vs g sync and the additional cost if you want to support the Nvidia derivative (g sync) in the future.


cpu is a xeon w3690. its a 6 core 12 thread (3.46 - 3.73 Turbo) 12 MB cache. ive seen tests with the 1060 and the cpu isnt bottlenecking the gpu. its roughly a 7 yr old cpu in a couple of months, but its still relevant in todays world and has a few years left in it imo.

Id like to OC this cpu, but used aftermarket mobos just cost too much. If im spending a hundred+ on a used mobo, id rather start investing in newer current tech. I still use the stock case so im sure it would take a custom guy with experience to fit some watercooling in it, which im not. since i wont buy a mobo, i just left it all stock, case included. the only stock upgrades i can do is basically your standard ram and gpu upgrades. 12 gb ram has been suffice, but the cpu/mobo support 24 gb. my psu/mobo can only support a gpu up to 200 w tdp.. it ran the dual r7 360s @100w just fine but hot. the second r7 i got was a dud. ran hot by itself.

i got two 1080p monitors.. i dont plan on upgrading them anytime soon, so its partly the reason the 1060 is the goal.. while it is 1440p/4k capable.. its a great 1080p ultra card from what i understand. the 6gb model is more 1440p proof than the 3gb im looking at for sure. but at 1080p the 3gb would be good for 3-5 more yrs at some level of detail. too many ppl on steam at 2gbs or less for the industry to change quicker than that. game makers in the biz at selling games.. if most ppl are 2gb or less.. 3gb would be safe for years @ 1080p imo.

i do plan on upgrading my system in 2-3 years though. probably a 1600x... so part of me just rather wait on a combo gpu/cpu deal that'll be there when i do decide to upgrade and just deal with playing games between 900-1080p for now.

while 900 p inst bad, my eyes can tell the difference between 900-1080p.. currently, i just have to go 900p on some newer more gpu intensive games if i want high detail and high fps.. the r7 can handle older games @ 1080p high no problems. but if im playing 1080p on newer gpu intensive titles it needs to be running at low details or some low custom to get fps i want. its the main reason i want an upgrade..

i could survive at 900p high 60 fps and be fine.. being a scab im like fuck them.. it runs fine enough... cause id rather drop 1-2 hundo on a handful of games when steam has its 2 big sales coming up.... rather than overpay on a gpu that should be sub 200 non sale to begin with.


CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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Well, I have no idea on what the market is like in your neck of the woods, so it's hard to comment with any element of certainty. It's not just the CPU that can be the bottleneck, but the north and in your case south bridge of the chip set. You already running into power issues with the mobo.

Honestly, I am not sure if I would dump any money into that system, rather save up for a new one tbh. Sell it while it still has value, sure the prices may come down, so will what you can get out of the system you currently have. Are you running a SSD, or still an old school HDD?


prices in aus are outrageous. well when growing up in america, things feel high here, especially when you aint bringing in murican dollars or aus dollars on a consistent basis. maybe i should get a job again.. eh... maybe next yr.. im doing cheap web design shit now for a few bucks and i want to focus on my programming courses at least til next summer.

exchange rates/being stuck on an island doesnt help. that 769 dollar 1080 ti is 1000+ in aus just going by dollar conversion. then factor in taxes on goods over 1k and shipping.. retail stores charge about 11-1200.

my system is worth more than what id get for it. the cpu sells for about 140-150 aud.. there are two dell t3500s that have the w3690 in it on ebay.. one is listed for 250 and the other 500. i normally see them (or hpz400s) listed for 3-400. i paid 280 last year and i am still glad i did, its a great machine. a 1600x is 285-300 in aus..

selling my rig would basically net me a cpu. its just not worth selling it imo. after having 6 cores, theres no going back to lesser cores either. theres nothing like gaming on one screen and having youtube, unity etc running on the second with no drops etc. from a system point of view, there's no need to upgrade other than to upgrade atm. im a cheap bastard and value me cents......other than a gpu, im not doing any one specialized task where newer tech speed would benefit me. 22-25 seconds to boot is a bitch though... with the ssd it was about 17-18 secs..

i could go sideways and buy into a dead platform and get an 8 core benefit from ocing that beast.. but i didnt buy it last year because of its dead path and the aus prices that lead to that dead end wasnt worth it... so i ended up with this shit

i didnt clarify, but the gpu was tested on the same machine as mine --- an hp z400. i had a ssd/hhd set up but i took the ssd out and put it in my kids system because i was going to get a larger one or a hybrid for this rig, but i just haven't gotten around to it. probably because while running with just the hhd it really isnt that much slower doing the things i do. the only time i noticed a real delay was with fallout 4. load times could take 20-30 secs sometimes.. omg.. so ive just left it.

power issues are fine to a degree. its just the whole crossfire thing. two 100w cards was fine.. i see cards using less power in the future so thats not a concern if im taking this as far as itll go. they make adapters for the hp proprietary psu slot, but eh i dont need a bigger psu. the 1060 is only 120w, so ill have more than enough juice if i did get it. and ill just get a 6pin version so i dont have to use an 8pin adapter..

if i do upgrade the gpu it comes down to galax, which i know nothing about or 9 dollars more for msi and their cheapest model 1060. its about 20 more for asus entry level 1060.


CCS Donator
May 15, 2010
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I still use the stock case so im sure it would take a custom guy with experience to fit some watercooling in it, which im not. since i wont buy a mobo, i just left it all stock, case included.

Putting in water cooling is not that hard. If you can figure out overclocking, it should be a piece of cake. At least, if you can use basic tools.


Putting in water cooling is not that hard. If you can figure out overclocking, it should be a piece of cake. At least, if you can use basic tools.

i should probably learns to communicatez mo better.. i was assuming he meant watercooling the crossfired gpus.. in that case, its a tight fit as is and i wouldnt know how to go about doing it.. if i used risers and removed them from the case id probably feel confident enough to try it.. but i let my kid roam free and he can be a bit clumsy.. so for safety concerns.. no can do for another 10 years at least...


CCS Donator
May 15, 2010
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i should probably learns to communicatez mo better.. i was assuming he meant watercooling the crossfired gpus.. in that case, its a tight fit as is and i wouldnt know how to go about doing it.. if i used risers and removed them from the case id probably feel confident enough to try it.. but i let my kid roam free and he can be a bit clumsy.. so for safety concerns.. no can do for another 10 years at least...

Ahh, that explains it.

Also, this forum has been screwed up most of the day/night. Glad it seems to be working now.


Ahh, that explains it.

Also, this forum has been screwed up most of the day/night. Glad it seems to be working now.

i only caught the tail end of whatever was wrong with the site. after last weeks loss...bears were basically out of the playoff chase so i slept in and didnt catch the game. doubt i watch another game this yr unless its a later game. looking at the schedule they only have one game not on at 5am aus time.. the next lions game is at 830 am.. good thing for daylight saving those 3-4am games sucked.. 5am is bad enough.


eh fuck it.. i think i may just pull the trigger on the 1060 tomorrow during the last day of da sale...will sleep on it...i dont impulse on me impulse.. i was looking for a cheap gpu for the kid and was going to buy him a gt 1030 to play fucking lego games that require 128 mb cards...and i cant buy me a 1060.. so that threw me off me game.. gpu prices be out of whack.. 1030s cost about 109 aud.. during da sale about 87 dolla.. fucking gt 710s are about 50-60 bucks.. so that makes no sense when a 1030 is 300% better for 30 mo dolla on da sale...

i should just get the punk a used 10 dolla 512mb fx380 or sum shit.. he would waste 2-3 yrs of the 1030 and by that time the new hvp269 encoded low end gt 1230s will be the da same price and another 300% betta.. i guess i shouldnt have sold all my old quadro cards.. just got rid of a hd 7750 a few weeks back too.. didnt fit his sff case or i would have kept it.. shit needs low profile single slot.. i should have bought a lp ss 7750 when i got the other one... same price....but i was like f that.


well fuck.. i aint gotta sleep on it..i dont need to.. logic wins.... im passing up on dat shit, even though me primal being wants it.

looking over steam n what will be on sale there isnt anything i want where i would need the 1060.. nuffin on origin.. fuck swbf2 microtransactions plans.. r7 handles dices last showing well....i feel like i wasted money on da first game though.. multiplayer crowd seemed to die quick...

to be honest the only thing i think i really want to play is plants vs zombie 2.. there really isnt anything coming out that im looking forward to.

may be death stranding.. been wiff Kojima since i was a kid.. doubt i play konamis up and coming metal gear. lots of other old classics i want for the steam library though.. but nuffin that requires more than a r7... oh yeah, been meaning to pick up the divinity originals sins.. hopefully they got a double deal coming up...... r7 will suffice .. gog be having a black friday sale 2.. gonna need to see what they be having on sale..

nuffin in me library that i havent already played that would benefit from the 1060 other than shadows of mordor ... i aint dropping 2 hundo for one game.. if i hadnt played witcher 3, fallout 4, BF1, gtav (on ps3 and i aint buying it again for da pc.) etc etc.. yeah then maybe i would get it then.. wish red dead redemption 2 be coming out on da pc.. hell port the first one.. dont leave it to da community.. maybe they do release it late like gta v... then ill be like fuck.. wish i had dat 1060

lost out on a used 730 for da kid.. didnt want to spend 35+ or whatever i had to increase da shit to on a used dusty looking thang.... so imma just buy him a new gt 710 ddr5 version for about 50 dolla tomorrow and call it da year on hardware.
